Pengyu Qian

Pengyu Qian

Assistant Professor

Boston University

I am a Tenure Track Assistant Professor in the Operations & Technology Management department at the Questrom School of Business, Boston University. Before joining BU, I was an Assistant Professor of Operations Management at the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, Purdue University. My CV can be found here.

My research studies the design and analysis of marketplaces in dynamic settings, using tools from probability, optimization and game theory. I am interested in foundational models driven by challenges in sharing economy and the allocation of public resources. My research emphasizes algorithms/mechanisms that not only have good theoretical guarantees, but also are simple, robust, and hence practical for real-world systems.

You can reach me at pqian20 at gmail dot com.

  • Market Design
  • Platform
  • Stochastic Systems
  • Online Algorithms
  • PhD in Decision, Risk, and Operations, 2021

    Columbia Businss School

  • BS in Mathematics, 2015

    Peking University

What’s New

June 2024

Our Paper "Incentivizing resource pooling" was accepted for presentation at MSOM 2024 SIG!

June 2024

I have moved to the Questrom School of Business, Boston University!

May 2024

Our paper "Incentivizing resource pooling" was accepted to EC'24.

Mar 2024

Our paper "The competition for partners in matching markets" was accepted to Management Science.

Jan 2024

Excited to serve as a co-chair of the Auctions and Market Design (AMD) cluster at INFORMS 2024.

Oct 2023

Journal version of working paper "Incentivizing resource pooling" is out!

Aug 2022

Journal version of working paper "Price discovery in waiting lists" is out!

Oct 2021

My paper "Blind dynamic resource allocation in closed networks via mirror backpressure" won Honorable Mention in RMP Jeff McGill Student Paper Competition 2021!

Working Papers


Fair real-time scheduling

work in progress


Congested waiting lists and organ allocation

with Itai Ashlagi, and Ravi Jagadeesan

work in progress


Incentivizing resource pooling

with Chen Chen, and Yilun Chen, major revision, Management Science

Preliminary version: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC`24)

Presentation at MSOM Service Management SIG Meeting 2024



Price discovery in waiting lists

with Itai Ashlagi, Jacob Leshno, and Amin Saberi, submitted

Preliminary version: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC`20)

[SSRN | EC Version | Al Roth's blog post]


Large deviations optimal scheduling of closed queueing networks

with Siddhartha Banerjee , and Yash Kanoria, major revision, Math of OR

Preliminary version: SIGMETRICS`18

[arXiv | SIGMETRICS Version]



The competition for partners in matching markets

with Yash Kanoria, and Seungki Min, accepted, Management Science

Preliminary version: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA`21)

[arXiv | SODA Version | Al Roth's blog post]


Blind dynamic resource allocation in closed networks via mirror backpressure

with Yash Kanoria, forthcoming, Management Science

Preliminary version: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC`20)

[arXiv | EC Version]